Friday, August 14, 2009


Today, I am just gonna talk... life sometimes takes interesting twist and turns. Rarely have I met someone who has truly inspired me to become all I used to dream of being. But in April I did meet that person...

We spent the last few months having an amazing time but have since ended seeing one another last week. She gave me the kick in the seat I needed to aspire and return to pursuing my dreams.

I can only hope one day to find another woman who is as beautiful, sexy, smart, well spoken, a soul mate who understands me, someone I look at first thing in the morning and can hardly breath...

But without her prodding, I would never become fulfilled in my dreams or have returned to pursuing them again. Thanks my friend!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

And Meanwhile Back At The Ok Saloon...

This last two weeks have been a doozie! I felt like a space ship glancing off an asteroid and spinning wildly out of control... So let me say this, I apologize to one and all for my behavior in the last week.

(From post on Facebook)

Let me apologize for my insanity this last week... I have found a place of peace and have a lot of work on me to do. I have some awesome friends... 3 in particular who were immeasurable in their wisdom and brutally honest truth!

More forthcoming blogs to be seen in the near future:

  1. An Underlying Effect

  2. Of Childlike Faith & Beauty

Working on WHO AM I, hope to have it up with in the week, I am pouring my heart into these few that I have conceptualized. Also will move one idea to my food blog at this will be FEED MY SHEEP which I am also working on.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day.

I am starting this blog...

I am starting this blog to express my inner thoughts and turmoil that are not food related... for food related blogging go to Right now I am just writing down different ideas to write about. My thoughts have been racing madly in the last week. I am just trying to slow them down and write down ones that continue to circle in my head!

Currently, I am thinking:

  1. Feed My Sheep...

  2. Love Conquers all?

  3. Hard Work Never Fails...

  4. Simple Life, Life Simple... (Keith Urban: Love Somebody Like you)

  5. Sing a song.

  6. Somebody to believe in me...

  7. Of Mysteries & Dreams

  8. On a Prayer & a Hope

  9. No one has ever loved me like you...

Then while I was thinking, these songs really struck me to the core...

  1. Come Sail Away by Styx

  2. If I Die Tomorrow by Motley Crue'

You must understand, where I work, I work alone most evenings and have a lot of time to let my mind wonder. From time to time, I will also go back and explore past experience with life, work & dating experiences. I will also share dreams I once dreamed.