Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am starting this blog...

I am starting this blog to express my inner thoughts and turmoil that are not food related... for food related blogging go to Right now I am just writing down different ideas to write about. My thoughts have been racing madly in the last week. I am just trying to slow them down and write down ones that continue to circle in my head!

Currently, I am thinking:

  1. Feed My Sheep...

  2. Love Conquers all?

  3. Hard Work Never Fails...

  4. Simple Life, Life Simple... (Keith Urban: Love Somebody Like you)

  5. Sing a song.

  6. Somebody to believe in me...

  7. Of Mysteries & Dreams

  8. On a Prayer & a Hope

  9. No one has ever loved me like you...

Then while I was thinking, these songs really struck me to the core...

  1. Come Sail Away by Styx

  2. If I Die Tomorrow by Motley Crue'

You must understand, where I work, I work alone most evenings and have a lot of time to let my mind wonder. From time to time, I will also go back and explore past experience with life, work & dating experiences. I will also share dreams I once dreamed.

1 comment:

  1. How about some free association? These songs came to mind;
    California Dreamin'
    Dream A Little Dream of Me (don't go Freudian here)
    It's Too Late (but it's not truly)
    IS there a message in this? If so, try singing
    BLUE SKIES, nothing but blue skies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
