I know I stole the title from a movie, a classic! Just want to type out some thoughts that have been in my mind over a week or so...
First off:
What this is not: This is not a plea for help or attention, this is not me seeking a pitty party, or looking for sympathy!
What this is: This is a notice to people who know me so that they know that I care, even once I am gone...
Death come to all of us, when we least expect it... It says in Hebrews 9:27 And inasmuch as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this cometh judgment;So we will all one day pass away from this world! I have been thinking lately about what if I came to my time to pass on? A week or so ago I posed the question to my friends on Facebook, What is your greatest fear? Many people answered, some said not being able to care for themselves, other said losing loved ones but no one said being alone! That is my biggest fear, being alone, rather dying alone and no one knowing that I am gone. This could be a reality, about a year and a half ago, I went to the hospital. I felt fine but because the left side of my face was drooping, the manager at my work thought I was having a stroke and insisted I go... Turns out I had a Bels Palsey Attack and uncontrolled High Blood Pressure and was admitted to get my blood pressure under control. While in the hospital, it was discovered my kidneys were shutting down and I suffered from pulminary edema. Basically I drowned on my own fluids and woke up in IU with pipes stuck down my throat. Scary stuff! Made me realize that I wanted to live!
Then this past January, my girlfriend at the time took her daughter to school, on the way there we stopped for some lunch. When we got out of the car, it felt as if the ground rolled under my feet. Got my composure and we got our food, took her daughter to school, and then went on to work. I thought I was getting sick to my stomach so called in to work that night. By the time my girlfriend got home from work, I was so sick, bright light made me puke, I could not see, and I was dizzy beyond comprehension. Her son and her got me to the car and took me to the hospital, where I remained for several days. I was essentially blind for 5 days, nauseated for 4, and unable to walk on my own, took me 5 weeks to return to work!
Diagnosed with MS, seems alot of my health issues were related to the MS.
So life is fickle and one never knows when their time will come...
With that said, I would like my friends and family to know that I love them and in the event I pass away away from the people I know and care for would ask those who know me to contact and be sure the listed people know for sure what has happened:
David & Janet Graden, my parents
Donald & Julia Arndt, my sister
Jeannine Graden, sister
Andrew Graden, Brother
Melissa Daniels, my ex wife and mother of my kids (she will let my children know)
Lori Erwin, best friend
Tracey Campbell, ex girlfriend
Kelli Venezia, friend
Schnucks - Woodsmill (Linda Wimsmier)
Amber Grote, roomie
Susie Tidrow, like a sister
Rodney Herzog, Brother in the Lord
Scott Moultrie, Brother in the Lord
Tony Dinon, Former Business Parnter and Brother in the Lord
Gary Hale, Brother in the Lord
Jim Stieren, Best Friend and Brother in the Lord
Jim Dill, Brother in the Lord
Randy White, Brother in the Lord
Donnie Sandidge, The Undecided (his family treated me like a son in college)
Dr. Shellie Milanos, Friend
Dr. Michelle Woods, Classmate and Dr.
Melody Reeder, Supervisor with Aidells
I would like to be cremated and buried in Nokomis with my forefathers if I can not have my ashes spread off the coast of Ireland... HAHAHA If they are able and willing the following, I would be honored to have the following men be my pall bearers: Rodney Herzog, Scott Moultrie, Andrew Graden, Tony Dinon, Jim Stieren, and Donnie Sandidge...
Would love to have the following share in my funeral service: Gary Hale, Randy White, and Jim Dill.
Also would be honored if Donnie Sandidge could sing, What Do I do & Jim Dill also play something.
There is no plan or desire to shorten my time here on this earth but just wish that these people know I cared for them... I am sure with those mentioned being told word will get out of my demise.
If your living, live life. You only die once, make sure too live to the fullest til that moment!
Hey Skip, I just wanted to stop by to say THANK YOU for following my blog, Love With Food, but I had no idea I'd find this post.
ReplyDeleteWow, I feel a little odd--feels a little like I've come to a family gathering uninvited so I hope you don't mind that I've stopped by at this moment. I believe there are no mistakes in life and I just go where God directs me. :>)
Having said that, I'd like to say that it is apparent by your list of family and friends that you will never be alone. One doesn't have that many people who cares about them without being a kind and decent person so you should not worry. There are many people who care about you and if for some unimaginable reason all of them abandon you in your time of need, God will never, ever forsake you!
Btw, this may seem like a strange question but do you have a will? I'm asking because I am also a Pre-Paid Legal Associate and I know the importance of protecting the assets you've worked so hard for. If not, visit my site and consider signing up as a member. Having great legal support costs only pennies a day and could give you a little peace of mind.
Please take care of yourself and visit my blog again when you can.
Lynn, Love With Food